Recommendations from Healthwatch York report: Health and the Cost of Living in York


Made to:

Consider ways of measuring and monitoring the health impacts of cost of living rises across the York population, for example monitoring over time the levels of people admitted to hospital who are malnourished

York Population

Health Hub


Consider ways of making sure everyone has access to advice and information, not just those living in known areas of deprivation in the city. This must include access for those in the outer villages and those experiencing digital exclusion

City of York Council,

Advice York


Consider the findings from the pilot of heating help for those with long term health conditions in Gloucester, and whether opportunity exists locally to support those most at risk through winter pressures funding

York Health and

Care Partnership


Continue to make strong representations to challenge the perceptions of York as an affluent city and speak out for our residents who are currently struggling. This must include making sure colleagues across the wider Integrated Care System are fully sighted on the particular issues York residents are experiencing

York Health and

Care Partnership


Collectively recommit to the council motion to recognise socio economic status

City of York Council,

York Health and

Wellbeing Board,

York Health and

Care Partnership








Recommendations from Healthwatch York report: Breaking Point, A Recent History of Mental Health Crisis Care in York


Made to:

Reinstate and strengthen the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat to clarify care pathways, provide clear minimum performance standards for all those working in services, and make sure members of the public can access the right help and support at the right time delivered by appropriately trained professionals.



Voluntary sector

partners, YAS

Review existing resources, support services and gaps in the pathway and identify the most effective ways to deliver support and fill gaps, including those best provided by the VCSE sector.


Restructure approaches to coproduction to make sure everyone’s views and experiences are heard and influence service design and delivery. This must include working with external partners to facilitate involvement for those who cannot engage directly. Consideration must be made of the resource implications for VCSE organisations to make this possible


Learn from schemes improving people’s experiences of crisis response / changing the system to identify ways to invest in and maintain those that work (for example, the positive feedback about police street support)


Make sure workforce plans reflect the specific challenges for attracting health and care staff to York (including lack of affordable housing, transport). Work together locally to learn from historical examples such as the Rowntree Housing model and how this fits with Local Plans.


Embed a compassionate culture towards all people experiencing mental ill health.